Why You See Increasing Rate Of Depression In Youth?

Reasons behind depression in children

Yes, it’s truly an alarming sign:

 When your child is complaining about a headache, tiredness every time, sleep disturbance, do consider these symptoms seriously because sometimes your child is suffering from mental disorders. Children with grumpy and demoralized behavior are not normal; there is something behind their frustrated feelings. It is not good to let your child alone and isolated; you need to be worried about why they are doing this.

These symptoms are common during depression, and no doubt your child is suffering from depression. Now is the time for you to be anxious and concerned about your child’s mental and physical health sustainability.

Here I will guide you properly on handling these depressing situations and preventing your teenagers from depressions.

What is depression?

Depression is a mental disorder characterized by a constant feeling of sadness, loneliness, irritability & it affects your daily lifestyle. However, depression in adults & youth is not generally different, but the consequences are other.

The common reasons for depression in children

Our youth are facing so much pressure in their lives, & we should consider these as alarming signs of depression. Several factors are increasing the risk of developing depression in our children, which is as follows;

  • Neglection from parents

It is the first utmost reason for developing depression in youth which I have noticed. Both parents mostly ignore their children due to their workload, and they do not pay full attention to their disturbing child, which causes your teenager to get into depression. 

  • Stress out due to study

Your child sometimes stresses out due to the burden of studies and sometimes peers out just because of school complex work. 

  • Impact of social media on teenager’s mind

As we all know, social media is getting over in our lives. Your child sees different things on social media, and you cannot afford all the luxuries they demand. It affects your child’s mental condition. 

  • Depression in young girls

When we talk about Female teenagers, there is a higher risk of developing depression as they are more concerned about their issues. Suppose a female teenager is an eyewitness or victim of sexual abuse; their mental health effect a lot after going through such a difficult phase. Even though young boys also go through this phase, it triggers their personality disorder.

  • Comparison hurts teenagers.

I have seen many parents who constantly compare their children to others. Your child also has some self-respect, and when you differentiate between teenagers either in families or schools, it hurts children’s mental health & decreases their self-confidence. It is the leading cause of increasing depression risk among teenagers.

  • Family clashes 

Teenagers facing issues like parents’ divorce, clashes in families, or other traumatic life events are at higher risk of experiencing depression. 

How to prevent your child from depression?

Being a parent is your responsibility to overcome depression in your child and stay contented to show them that you are always there for them at any cost. Here are six exciting ways to prevent your child from depression;

  1. Optimistic behavior of parents

Always stay positive and never blame your child every time; try to show optimistic behavior so that they can adopt it as well. It makes them proud and cheerful when you always point out every positive behavior in your child. 

  1. Encourage your child

When you start encouraging them to do those things that give them delighted joy and make them feel happy, your child shows the best of them. It is the most vital support for your child and the best for their well-being.

  1. Regular, timely sleeping

Avoid late sleeping habits; it makes your child weak. Try to enforce your child to go to their bed before 10 pm. It gives them a healthy lifestyle and decreases the risk of suicidal thoughts. Your child must need 8 hours of sleep. As you heard, “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

  1. Self-confidence

It’s your responsibility to build self-confidence in children, try to emphasize they’re doing positive work, and encourage them on their every single effort.

  1. Stay updated all the time.

When you don’t pay attention to your child’s functionality, you may sometimes face difficulties regarding their mental health. That’s why you need to be updated all the time about their school performance, social behavior, friend circle, and other activities. 

  1. Help to manage stress.

Stress is the common factor of depression. Your child may stress out during their hassle routine of studies due to social problems or anything else. You need to help them cope with their stress and always stay behind to manage their every problem.

Final Thoughts 

Depression increases the risk of suicide in youth, so we should consider it seriously.

From my point of view, besides all the treatments and management, parents play a significant role in alleviating depression symptoms in youth.

 If there is any severity in your teenager’s depression, you should consult a healthcare specialist. As a parent, you should be a good listener of your child & allow them to share every problem they face. You are the one who can improve the self-confidence of your teens.

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